American Fisheries Society- SIUC Student Subunit

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The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Subunit of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is a registered student organization with its members dedicated to the conservation of aquatic resources.  Members are also very involved in community outreach and volunteerism related to the fisheries sciences as well as the sponsorship of activities that promote a community of professionalism and camaraderie among the SIUC Fisheries community.

For more information, contact Tanya Fendler or visit the SIU Fish Clubs webpage. 



The SIUC chapter of the  American Fisheries Society Listserv (SIUAFS-L) facilitates communication about jobs, subunit activities and other matters related to the Fisheries and Aquaculture program at SIUC.

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If you have trouble, send an email to Ed Heist